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Challenging taxes (ITP, ISD, AJD)

Have you ever found that the tax office has calculated a higher tax value than you expected? Well, I have good news for you: you can contest it! Here we explain how an expert report can be your best ally to refute those tax bases that do not add up.

This key report determines the market value of the property on the date of the transfer, helping you to justify the taxable base that should actually apply.

A report to refute tax bases

Whether you are dealing with property transfers, inheritances, donations, or even the liquidation of Documented Legal Acts (AJD) such as Horizontal Divisions and Declarations of New Construction, you may find yourself in the situation that the Administration estimates a higher value than the one you have declared.

In these cases, you have the right to defend your valuation by means of a contradictory expert appraisal.

Who is the target audience?


If you are an individual and you are managing inheritances, donations or any property transfer, this service is designed for you. It is also ideal for those who work with law firms and tax advisors.

Investors and holding companies

For you who manage investments and estates, and want to make sure that your tax obligations are in line with real market values.


If you are developing projects and need to manage the taxation associated with new construction or property divisions, an expert appraisal can be crucial.

Companies with patrimonial assets

Companies that own and manage properties as part of their assets will find in these reports an essential tool for tax planning and defense of their securities in litigation.

With Tinsa's guarantee

Testimonials from our customers

The Situation

A client purchased a residential property at an advantageous price and declared that amount in the Property Transfer Tax liquidation. However, he received a value check from the Administration that considerably exceeded the declared amount.

Our services

We issued a contradictory expert appraisal which showed that the acquisition value of the property was very close to its market value on the date of the transfer, in accordance with ECO/805 regulations.

The result

The third appraiser accepted our appraisal, and our client did not have to pay the high difference initially demanded by the Administration.

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